
Yusheng Dai

M.S. Candidate
Master's Second Year
dalison (at) mail.ustc.edu.com

Hello 👋!

I am Yusheng Dai, a second-year M.S. student at NERC-SLIP, University of Science and Technology of China, working with Prof. JunDu and Prof. Chin-hui Lee. I obtained my Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering from Sichuan University in June 2022.

My research interests now are controllable audio generation based on given video&text, audio-visual speech recognition and time series analysic on finacial scenario.


Selected Publications [Google Scholar]

  1. CVPR
    Yusheng Dai, Hang Chen, Jun Du, Chin-hui Lee, et.al.
    IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), 2024.

  2. ICME
    Yusheng Dai, Hang Chen, Jun Du, Chin-hui Lee, et.al.
    IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2023.

  3. NeurIPS DistShift
    Donglin Zhan*, Yusheng Dai*, Yiwei Dong*, Jinghai He, Zhenyi Wang, James Anderson (* means equal contribution)
    Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop on Distribution Shifts (NeurIPS DistShift), 2022.

  4. SDM
    Donglin Zhan*, Yusheng Dai*, Yiwei Dong*, Jinghai He, Zhenyi Wang, James Anderson (* means equal contribution)
    SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2024.

  5. Electronics Letters

  6. Interspeech
    Chen Hang, Du Jun, Dai Yusheng, Lee Chin Hui, Siniscalchi, Sabato Marco, Watanabe Shinji, Scharenborg, Odette, Chen Jingdong, et.al.
    In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2022.

    Shilong Wu, Chenxi Wang, Hang Chen, Yusheng Dai, et.al.
    IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024.

© Yusheng Dai, 2023